Smaller events hosted throughout the year are not calculated into the total economic impact data. But the smaller events do impact ongoing operations with lap swimmers, lessons, and pool programs. Most of those on-going programs that are enjoyed by the local patrons can co-exist with the smaller events once the expansion is completed. Fewer interruptions and complaints would be welcomed.

Business Development Manager of Visit St. Pete / Clearwater Sports & Events reports an economic impact of $8,211,436 for four supported events at North Shore in 2019 sponsored by ISCA.

The multiplier in calculating youth sporting events is 2.30 spectators per participant.

Our projections for 2022 are one-third greater than 2019. That is well greater than $11-million in 2022.

Adding all of the events that are held at the North Shore Aquatic Complex throughout the year would generate a much greater economic impact today than the above numbers.

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Doug Fonder

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When you do economic impact, everything is based on ...

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Doug Fonder

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Truthfully, it (overhead expenses) are not going to be that much more....

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